Sunscreen the most important word of skin
Did your eyes just glaze over 'sunscreen'? Before I turned 22, I always skipped sunscreen. That's 22 years of sun exposure on my bare skin. It's no wonder I have freckles but I've always learned to embrace them. If you have them, flaunt them right?
Take any skin care products besides sunscreen where there's always a promise of some form of gratification; brighter, glowy skin, reduce appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and etc. Sunscreen is the only product that promises none of that sort. So whether you have it on or off, you'll just look the same. That's because sunscreen is meant to protect our skin.
So if you're skipping sunscreen, here are 5 facts on why you need it!
1. Prevents Premature Aging
A whopping 80 to 90 percent of your skin aging is actually caused by environmental factors. In 2012, Bill McElligott's made international news for sun damage. He was a truck driver for twenty two years and never once wore sunscreen during his drive, so the left side of his face was constantly exposed to the sun. The difference between his right side of his face and his left side were shocking! The left side of his face was saggy, wrinkly and looked twenty years older than his right side of his face. Don't believe Google his name.
2. Protects Us From UV Rays
UV stands for "ultraviolet radiation," which is a form of energy that comes from the sun. Think of UV as a deadly laser that penetrates our skin and causes damage to the skin's cellular DNA. There are two types of UV; UVA and UVB.
- The A in UVA stands for aging ray. It's not only a cancer creator but it plays a major role in aging because it attacks the collagen in your skin.
- The B in UVB stands for burning. UVB is the main cause of sunburn and skin cancers.
So it's best to use a sunscreen that contains both UVA and UVB protection. So look out for a sunscreen labeled "broad spectrum protection," which means it has passed the critical wavelength test to protect you from both agin and burning rays. Your welcome.
3. Fights Off Skin Cancer Risk
So now you know that UV rays is one of the main reasons of skin cancer, more reason to wear it everyday to protect yourself from it. You don't want to be at risk of melanoma which is the worst type of skin cancer and is life threatening for women (especially those in their 20s).
4. Enhance Skin's Health
The essential skin proteins, such as collagen, keratin and elastin are required for keeping the skin smooth and healthy. These proteins are protected every time you apply sunscreen. Skin is after all the largest organ in our body, so why aren't you taking care of it again?
5. Helps Maintain an Even Skin Tone
I met a friend at a party once, and I've always envied her skin condition. It's smooth, healthy, glowy and no skin discolouration. It was perfect. You'd think it's foundation but it was not! I asked what was her secret and she told me "Sunscreen!"
So that's that. I hope this scares you into wearing sunscreen because I know I sure regretted not doing it sooner! Oh well, you learn from your mistakes.